Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Things We can Do to Help

what have we done to our earth?

Our Earth is the place where we find love. Where I found him, Juliet met Romeo, Stephenie Meyer created Twilight, and Coco Channel sensed fashion.
And we can do things to pay our love back to the earth.

WE, rizeki and qintha, promise to help our Earth, by not using any plastics every Thursday every week. Only one day per week, but we believe it matters..
And if we can do it, you can do it. Please start making changes... Be a better us, so we can give a better earth for our love ones... ;)

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009


BATIK, World Heritage..

Minggu, 20 September 2009

Our 2nd Anniversary [Updated]


2nd anniversary by Rizeki Raharja

"Dear God the only thing I ask of you is

to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away"

What we did for celebrating our 2nd anniversary.
- Days before the Qday, we wrote letter to each others. But not sent it.
- On the Qday, I read the letter I wrote. And he also read his letter.
- The letter could be about anything.
- After that, we recall all the things we've been through.
- Then, we started to write our 3rd year's diary. things regarding the LDRdiaries will be explained next time.

rizeki and qintha

Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

tentang telor ceplok 2 tahun lalu

untuk beberapa orang, telor ceplok mungkin hanya lauk alternatif di saat bokek atau menu sarapan untuk mengawali hari. tapi bagi kami, telor ceplok memiliki nilai lebih dari sekedar makanan dengan protein yang tinggi. telor ceplok menyimpan cerita tentang awal perjalanan kami berdua.

malam 2 tahun (28 Agustus )yang lalu, di sebuah warung nasi goreng kambing di dekat SMAN 3 YK, dua orang yang baru beberapa menit saling mengenal duduk bersama beberapa orang teman sambil menikmati sepiring nasgor yang ternyata cukup pedas buat salah satu dari mereka (Qintha). Wah... Aku benar-benar jadi merasa bersalah! Padahal nasgor itu rekomendasiku! Dan gara-gara kecerobohanku, jadinya Qintha cuma makan ceplok telornya saja, padahal setelah itu dia bakal naik kereta menuju bandung. Alhasil dia kelaparan semalaman karena perutnya cuma diisi telor ceplok saja.

Dan begitulah. Kejadian itu mengawali cerita-cerita kami. Sampai sekarang, pertemuan singkat dengan ceplok telor itu memulai kisah tentang Rizeki dan Qintha...

P.S. neng sayang, maaf ya kalo aku sempet sibuk, bikin bete, bikin sebel, just want to say I love you... aku ga tau harus pake kata2 apa lagi buat bilang sayang.... gambar aku bikin pake sketchup.. baru bisa ngasih gambar ginian...

Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009


qintha wrote :

Now, I'm all alone. He left yesterday. Back to his town, his work, and so-so.
It feels painful, torturing, and stressfull. :'( And now i wish every tears i've cried would make him stay.
don't ask. I miss him already.
It's just hard to imagine, you know, that few hours ago we were still together, holding hands. And now, he's not here. and I am all by tears..missing him..wondering how he feels..alone.
But I know you have to go, B..To preapare our future.. And one day you'll be back, then take me with you. and treasure me forever..
I Love you, my man.. Always have, always will..
~the girl in tears~
Till the day we meet again
Anyway, a day before he left is our 23rd 1st month (monthly anniversary).
What did we do to celebrate?? umm.. CANDLE LIGHT DINNER @my parents house.
1. We made nasi goreng together.
2. Pour our favorite beverage (actually my favorite,bcoz 'his' wasn't available) in my parent's finest glass.
3. Lit a candle, and turned off any posible lighting.
4. Played some romantic songs in a low volume.
5. Set the table.
6. Enjoyed ourselves.
It might not be the most expensive way to spend anniversaries. But it is, for me, the happiest moment on earth!
I Love You, B..

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009


woya!!ehem ehem, katanya kalo LDR cuma sedikit yang bisa dilakukan. yang paling menyedihkan yaitu ga bisa nonton bareng atau nge-date kyk pasangan SDR. (heheheheheheh mnyeringai) KALIAN SEMUA SALAH HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! hmm sebenarnya bisa kok nonbar bedua aja walau LDR. ga percaya??kami sering lho! gini ni rahasianya :

1. Set the date. pastikan tanggal yang kalian pilih bener-bener terjamin kekosongannya. Cek jg jadwal mati listrik atau halangan lain yg mungkin menggagalkan rencana ini. (gak mau kan yg tdny niat seneng2 malah jd bete atau berantem hny krn preparations yg kurang?)
2. Pick a movie. don't forget to discuss the film first, so nggak cuma salah satu dari kalian yang menikmati acara nonbarnya.
3. Buy or borrow the movie. pastiin kalian beli atau minjem judul film yang udah disetujuin ya.. Nggak akan ada gunanya kan kalo kalian nonton film yang beda-beda? Mending nonton sendiri-sendiri aja..
4. Make Sure the DVDs or VCDs are in good shape. kalo perlu beli yang original atau nyewa dr tempat penyewaan yang terjamin kualitasnya. Atau kalo perlu kopi aja ke komputer kalian dulu. (Boleh juga preapare satu judul lagi, toh kalo gak kepake bisa buat lain waktu. daripada pas nontonnya bete gara2 macet2.)
5. Snacks! disiapin sebelum mulai nonton ya.. jd gak bolak-balik ke dapur dan harus di-pause-pause dulu.
6. Phone! ini dia yang membedakan nonbar LDR sama pasangan lain. Kalian butuh telpon dan headset, jadi pastiin ada pulsanya dan batere keisi penuh.
7. Make the call. nah, kalo udah siap semua, tinggal telpon pasangan kamu di tanggal dan jam yang udah dijanjikan, trus hitung mundur dan pencet play bareng-bareng.
8. Enjoy the movie...

Sambil nonton, kalian bisa ngobrol-ngobrol soal film nya, dan rasain deh sensasinya, gak bakal kerasa kalo kalian jauhan. Seriously!
Anyway, ini bukan ttg nontonnya, tapi tentang kebersamaannya..

Enjoy your relationship,guys!!


Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009



ibarat dendam, maka ini adalah pembalasan. hahahahahahah! hari yang dinantikan. hohohoho! ya karena kami LDR jadi momen bedekatan seperti ini adalah momen yang langka, jadi ya kami manfaatkan semaksimal mungkin. ngedate setiap saat. hahahahah!! Hajar bleh! ya kami bukan pasangan romantis, tapi kami sangat bahagia dengan hubungan kami. bukankah itu yang di cari tiap pasangan?

eat martabak HAR

go BOWL!!

go out with her bro

Ice World

took some pics

Still few days left. detail later.

:) rizuchi

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

My Boy Made My Day

He's here!!! yes..yes..the boy..the most handsome and funny one..
RIZEKI is in MY TOWN!!!!

And since he's an A-list photographer and i'm an A-list model. lol. He took some pics of me. and this one I like the most.

I LOVE it when he's around.. :)

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

Kisah 2 Sejoli yang Autis, Sebuah Perkenalan

Boy : Hi! I'm Rizeki (23 years old)!

Girl : and I'm his girlfriend. My name is qintha (19 years old)..!

Together : We've been in a Long Distance Relationship since September 2007 (so it's almost 2y).

Rizeki : hmmm saya lagi merintis sebuah studio desain arsitektur di Jogja...dan Qintha adalah...

Qintha : ...pacarnya Rizeki..

Rizeki : hehehe aye aye..jadi malu..dah ah serius..

Qintha : so, i'm basically a medical student in Palembang. I live and grew up here, while he lives and grew up there, until the fates brought us together.

Rizeki : oke pasti pada gumun (java for ) kok bisa ya kami jadian dan masih pacaran dengan sikon jarak jauh ?

Qintha : karena jodoh dong, bun!

Rizeki : hehehe benul benar dan betul... nah agar tetep langgeng. salah satu caranya adalah ayooo sapa yang tau?

Qintha: aku..aku aku...hmmm selalu menjaga komunikasi dan punya aktivitas bersama

Rizeki : betar..betul dan benar..heheh itu lah kenapa Blog ini kami wujudkan, biar kami bisa berkomunikasi dan punya aktivitas bersama yang rutin

Qintha : ya anggep aja life eh love journal, sekalian sharing cerita

Qintha : anyway, just so you dont get lost in the middle of the story. lol. I like to call him "bun", and he usually calls me "neng". He's a bad typer and his English is reaaaallllyyyy pooooorrr...

Rizeki : ah dont say like that lah ( yah ketauan jelek inggrisnya)..nah kalo neng Qintha ini jagonya nulis...tapi agak moody (bener ga sih gini ngetiknya?)

Qintha : Well.. think that's all for now. just try to keep up as the story goes, and we'll make sure you find something more 'bout us.(??)

Together : See you!!

" We said HI!!!!"