Now, I'm all alone. He left yesterday. Back to his town, his work, and so-so.
It feels painful, torturing, and stressfull. :'( And now i wish every tears i've cried would make him stay.
It's just hard to imagine, you know, that few hours ago we were still together, holding hands. And now, he's not here. and I am all by tears..missing him..wondering how he feels..alone.

But I know you have to go, B..To preapare our future.. And one day you'll be back, then take me with you. and treasure me forever..
~the girl in tears~
Till the day we meet again
Anyway, a day before he left is our 23rd 1st month (monthly anniversary).
What did we do to celebrate?? umm.. CANDLE LIGHT DINNER @my parents house.
1. We made nasi goreng together.
2. Pour our favorite beverage (actually my favorite,bcoz 'his' wasn't available) in my parent's finest glass.
3. Lit a candle, and turned off any posible lighting.
4. Played some romantic songs in a low volume.
5. Set the table.
6. Enjoyed ourselves.
It might not be the most expensive way to spend anniversaries. But it is, for me, the happiest moment on earth!
I Love You, B..
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